Every country has its own issue(s) to be addressed. Most of these issues such as high rate of illiteracy, poverty, poor governance, corruption, etc. directly affect the rural poor making them leave below poverty level. However, there is a solution to address these. I believe speaking to people about what affects them will pave way to address these. This requires skills on how the people can be informed and on how institutions can help solve these issues. To the best of my knowledge, “the people can’t be developed but should be informed with clear explanation of the importance of development in order to take part in the full implementation themselves”.
The media has a potentially key role to play in combating these issues. Journalists can shine a light on critical, but often underreported stories by connecting the points for the public, civil society organizations, and decision-makers so they can fully understand the priorities for funding and governance issues behind them.
Behind all these issues facing development sobering statistics lie on a wealth of news and feature stories waiting for the media to investigate and share with policymakers as well as civil society groups who can advocate for changes to help formulate policies and address this issues.
Journalists and their editors uncover and tell these important stories which is the role of the media in strengthening development. “The best way we can develop is when we communicate about development itself. In development, if you have information and you don’t give it out in the best way, then that is what will affect your process. If you give it in an effective, understandable manner, then whoever reports on it will report on it the same way.
The mass communication media are important to modern social processes. Radio broadcasting is one of the important means of getting a message to a large number of people at the same time. they bring public issues before wider forums than they can be reached by public meetings or through parliaments. They help to broaden our enjoyment of life and further our knowledge and understanding of things about us, and by bringing us information, they help to stimulate individual and group action. In developing countries, they have a significant role to play in speeding the process of social change. In terms of general availability, radio is the leading medium of mass communication.
Development programs such as problem of designing projects that take into account the perceptions and capacities of the intended beneficiaries, mobilizing rural people for development action and ensuring an information flow among all concerned with a developmental initiative, improving the reach and impact of rural training programs can only realize their full potentials if knowledge and technology are shared effectively, and if populations are motivated and committed to achieve success. Unless people themselves are the driving force of their own development, no amount of investment or provision of technology and inputs will bring about any lasting improvements in their living standards.
How will one as a producer overcome the issues such as illiteracy, poverty etc that may Mar your rural development project?