Today is so special, it’s the closing ceremony of Unleash Tunisia Venture Bus, a collaboration between Young Leaders Entrepreneurs & The Middle East Partnership Initiative , a project I was managing from 2016 before the decision was taken to start a new adventure abroad, unfortunately 2 miles before reaching the last bus station. However, despite the thousand miles distance between Tunisia & California, my heart & soul have never stopped biting for this project, for several reasons:
. It brought hope to youth, and proved that our country has a hilarious potential from the extreme south to the extreme north, especially in regions that people usually have less expectations from
. From a professional perspective, it was a very important learning step in my career, dealing with high level seniors from the MEPI and US Embassy
. Non profit: Through and thanks to YLE, I discovered a very special working environment mixing with harmony both fun and commitment, but always full of challenges and problem solving approach.
. etc

Today is the day to show my entire gratitude, love and respect to every one who contributed in the tremendous success of this project. UTVB Staff & Volunteers, YLE Board, MEPI Administration, 150 participants, service providers, coaches & trainers, Tunisian Ministers and Project national & regional partners.

This might be the closing , but the project has just started.

To be continued..