Today when after so many days I met her,
The feelings weren’t same, but, there was some kind of force which attracted me towards her. I went closer to her, she didn’t move even a single step from her position.
I inquired about her life without me. She didn’t speak a single word like always, I took her hand in my hand and I felt coldness of her body.
Maybe, there was some kind of anger or jealousy inside her seeing me traveling without her or maybe she started assuming that now “I am big man” and she is not as important to me anymore, as I have many others all around you.
I walked with her along the way.
She didn’t reply with a single word.
She didn’t look at me. Even I wanted her attention like never before.
I Don’t know what she wanted to say, but maybe, while I was away and no one takes care of her and being every second away from me, kills her inside slowly and gradually, like poison.
But, now I feel I need to give her the love and courage she deserves. As, she was with me when no one else was there.
We reached back home and now she is a bit okay I assume. With this believe that I will love those who deserve my love.
And in few days, I am leaving to home; won’t be able to see her for so long,
Thinking this makes me sad so I took her photo in my mobile.
Will miss you my bicycle!