‘My fellowship approaches its end soon!!’

One of the most important subjects fellows are talking about is their plans when they go back home.

Some of us apply for jobs, others for scholarships. Some of us don’t even know what they want to do. But for me, despite the dozens of ideas hunting my mind day and night, and despite the external pressure about this sensitive subject. I made a clear decision that does not include any professional career plans, at least temporary.

Actually, after almost a year here in the US since I came in July 2018, I had a lot of time to reflect on my priorities,  life goals. and yet, I realized that life has never been only about working and making money. I’ve seen people not making money at all and they are thousand times happier than others here that have millions and millions in their accounts.

Of course, we need to cover our expenses by ensuring an income. But when this becomes a reason to stop doing what we enjoy doing, then things go wrong.

July 2018. Going back to my home country, Tunisia. I can’t wait to be there, not only because I miss family and friends, but also to start looking at everything differently. All these details that were once normal and daily habits, turn into being priceless

Grateful to the time I spent here in the US, diverse people I met, social issues I’ve overcome, friendships I’ve made and clairvoyance I’ve acquired.

A lot of turnover points make our existence a tough challenge.  Therefore, Only the Strong will continue…