June 14th was my semi-anniversary with the AtlasCorps Fellowship. It’s hard to imagine that half a year has flown away so quickly! 

Actually, this is a post of appreciation to all those people I’ve met during this 6-months course.

At the beginning, the fellowship seemed to me as a professional opportunity only. It turned I’ve found here something much bigger.

Serving as a news contributor at Voice of America, Russian division, I couldn’t be happier – I’m surrounded by professionals and simply amazing people in the office.

I’ve met, and keep meeting, fabulous people outside the office – the other fellows. I couldn’t be luckier – they have expanded my horizons and changed some of my views on this life in a better ways. And they are friends anyone could wish.

I believe that during the past half a year I’ve grown professionally and, what’s most important, personally. I just want to say “Thank you!”