It is very scary and fearful to love what death can claim.
Vey fearful to give your all, to hope, to dream, to aspire and inspire,
Yet it is so beautiful to love unconditionally, selflessly and to give yourself to those you care about.10520523_10152845025273365_9075513871647325894_n

Your life has lived in me, your word was gift to me
Your laughter lifted me, your bravery and courage motivated and inspired me.
Remembering all the beautiful memories we shared brings a smile on my face, yet breaks my heart to know that you are gone.

So youthful, smart, beautiful, outspoken, kind, loving and open hearted.
You were loved and admired by many.
While I continue to shed a silent tear,
I speak to you in prayer. I speak to you in that journal you gave me.
I continue to see you every day in our house, I see you in all our common places.
I see your beautiful face, smile and dimple.
I hear your angelic voice singing Immortal by Evanescence.
I send you a million teardrops from all your loved ones, wrapped up in love
So you know how much you mean to us, how much you are loved and missed.

Though you are not with us physically, Huma and I will forever hold unto the 3H
Our friendship became so strong and developed into sisterhood
We did everything together. From the trips, to picnics, coffees, to the museums, lunches, happy hours, dinners, music, movies and many more.
There is just so much to reminisce about.
Without you, our fellowship story and experience is incomplete.
But because of your golden heart, your life will continue to be celebrated;
Your friendship was a blessing,  and I will miss you so much
As close friends, we shared so much
During the toughest moments, you brightened up my days no matter what was happening
You brought me so much happiness with your kindness, care and loving ways

We had such fun,
We sang and danced together, we laughed and cried together,
Braved the ups and downs of life as a team!
Despite the distance in miles after your return home, we continued to share so much and encourage each other.
We had dreams of contributing enormously to the development of our countries.
We made plans to meet again soon as a 3H reunion.
We committed to keeping in touch with each other forever, because of the strong connection and bond we had.

When we chatted a day before your death, you, Huma and I still shared our funny girl stories like always,
Little did we know that that would be the last time we would hear your humorous jokes.
I am still not convinced that you are gone,
Death is very unfair, you went so soon Hiba.
I know God has taken you home, where you will rest peaceful
You will live within my heart forever.
I love you Hiba and will see again you in another world