Dear Atlas Corps Fellows and Friends,
During my brown bag at the OpenGov Hub, I have highlight some successful projects, accomplishments and lessons from my 10+ years working in the nonprofit and public sectors in Albania and across the Balkans. Then, during this presentation I have share some key skills that I have developed, examples of my previous works, and my priorities for the coming year throughout Atlas Corps fellowship. After my fellowship, I am excited to advocate open government across my home region and learn from OpenGov Hub and other organizations through the year!
My name is Edison FRANGU born in a small village in Lis, part of district of Mat in Albania. I have a 15 years’ experience in the nonprofit sector where I have organized and co-organized many activities in local, nation and international Level during my presentation i have made a list of successful activities illustrated with the photos. I have earned a Bachelor’s of Law from the University of Tirana in Albania, after my bachelor I did a Professional Master on Penal Law and today I hold a certificate of Advocate from the National Chamber of Advocacy of Albania, Officially (LAWYER). While continuing my law studies, I have been engaged in several youth organizations with a wide scope of activities including human rights, environment, governance, social care programs under the leadership of organizations like British Council, Eden Center, Beyond Barriers, Albanian Life Quality Union, Walk Together, Initiative Group Alpbach Albania, Forum Alpbach Network, European Forum Alpbach, Embassies etc. These experiences equipped me with a vast knowledge concerning social phenomena, versed me with organizational, managerial and leadership skills to promote, maintain and achieve longstanding objectives on behalf of the communities in need. From 2012, I have entered the public administration service as a specialist of Foreign Relations in the local municipality of Kamza, Tirana and from September 2016 to September 2017 I was appointed as a Senior Advisor to the Mayor of Klos Municipality in Albania. These two official governmental positions have provided me with the opportunity to learn and understand fundamental problems from within the Albanian public administration, problems that require immediate reforms and to be in the grassroots of the rural problems and in touch directly with the inhabitants. I am passionate about reforming the public administration of Albania, helping improve the social polarization and inequality in rural zones and empowering youth.
My top social issue has always been Youth Development. Since 2007 I have been involved in social projects related to youth empowerment, trying to empower them to use their full potential to do their best for our country. One of my strength point is the ability eloquent and mitigating supportive of the work for the support of education and integration of the youth. These experiences have helped me in the conception of the basic pillars for building my career and provided me with outstanding organizational skills and Leader-ship which I’m sure will serve the future challenges not only the professional level but also the social. My second Social Issue has been Civic Engagement/Participation/Politics I am directly involved in politics as the secretary of Youth Department at the Democratic Party of Albania. I have been involved in the local Government since march 2012 in many twinning projects with many other municipalities with different cities around Europe. My role has been to coordinate, facilitate and translate for the mayors during these activities. This project has been funded by the European Commission and Council. My third Social Issue has been education. From 2013 and on, through informal education and training’s I have tried to empower the young people with practical skills to grow professionally. All this training’s have been youth oriented and with a keen focus on education. This has been a great tool to work and approach to young people. We believe that education is very important in countries like Albania. My forth Social Issue is Public Health. I have organized in different high school’s training’s and conferences to raise the awareness on HIV-AIDS and in this way to protect their health. This project was founded by UNICEF and the result was a book that we published with essay and posters from the students on this topic.
There are many projects that I have lead, but I want to list below some of them: Training course, from 18-25 October 2008 in Durres- Albania, with the topic: “Belonging to Europe of Today” this activity was granted by European Commission Youth in Action program 3.1 Training course, from 24-30 April 2009 in Durres- Albania, with the topic: “Promoting Minority Youth Empowerment” this activity was granted by European Commission Youth in Action program 3.1 Training course, from 10-16 November 2010 in Durres- Albania, with the topic: “Living Together in Intercultural Society” this activity was granted by European Commission Youth in Action program 3.1 15 November – 17 December 2010 Coordinator of the project: Competition, essays, banners and photos to raise awareness to the youngsters of high schools and Universities for “the century disease”. “Light for Rights “Which was granted by UNICEF –Albania 12-14 February 2015 President of IGAA, Organizer of the Regional Conference in Tirana-Albania with topic: “Security in 21 Century…. We the Young Generation do Care” with the presence of the President of the Republic of Albania, Ambassadors, professors, students and media. 24 May – 30 May 2016 Coordinator of Klos and Kamza Municipality at the Twinning Program in Italy European for Citizens 2014-2020, Democratic engagement and civic participation. LINKAGES FOR LEGALITY, Supported from EU Funds.
My top skill is Project Management. During all this year’s I have organized more than 10 projects and training for youth in Albania and abroad. I have secured funds, financial support and human resources to organize these events. I Have raised about 450.000$ for all the events above. My second skill is event planning. As mention above I have always planned in details and organized successful activities including, youth, civil society, politicians, media and foreign representatives accredited in Albania.
My third skill is Government relations. No matter which party has been in power I have always had good connections with politics and politicians. They have been my guest’s speakers in my activities. In the local government, I have been involved with many twinning projects with municipalities from other cities and countries. My role has been the main coordinator and councilor on the Albanian side.
The forth Skill is Research and Social Media. I am always in contact with new projects all over the word and an extended network of people and organizations.
I would like to learn, help and coordinate more on any different projects that OpenGov Hub and their Network are implementing or will implement during my fellowship here in DC, so when I am back in my country; I can use this knowledge to help my peers to make new commitment to peace-building, mediation, transparency, Open Government, accountability, civic engagement, conflict prevention and resolution, education for non-violence, tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect, intercultural and interfaith dialogue and reconciliation, that will help Albanian community but especially young people to see their neighbors in a peaceful and a loving way. I am planning to return back to my country now fully equipped professionally to give and contribute to the needs and challenges that my country would be facing, I will work toward making governments and public policy to be more efficient, transparent, accountable in Albania. This would be an appreciated experience in my country. I believe that one of the best ways for the country to move forward is through the education, transparency, Open Government, accountability, civic engagement and training of young generations who are capable of understanding, confronting and resolving global, regional and domestic issues based on International trends, and innovations.
Fellow: Atlas Corps – Class 26
Fellow Role at OpenGov Hub:
I will be helping to connect and facilitate the sharing of resources among organizations in Opengov Hub’s network of leading international organizations working on transparency, accountability and civic participation around the world.