“There are accidental parents, but there are no accidental children.”
That’s a Ted Talk quote from Rick Warren that happen to stick with me. My very own were accidental parents of the young people engaging in unprotected sex variety. Still, here I am, unaborted, alive and doing well – could be better, but I’m on this new high called gratitude.
Understandably, I don’t believe in abortion as a viable option for women facing unplanned pregnancies. The circumstances of my birth have had a definite impact in colouring my views. Never will I ever tell a woman that abortion is the option she should choose. BUT. This “but” is very important, so pay keen attention to the next few words you’re about to read. Women should always have a choice.
There can be no two opinions about this. No one’s personal circumstances or opinions on abortion should affect what a woman does with her body, safe for the impregnated woman. The decision to abort rests solely with her. It is society’s job is to provide her with all the options and resources to make a sensible decision. It is the job of the people in her life (would-be father included) to provide support, counsel and guidance as she makes this all too important decision. In the end, I must say that I hope her decision will always be to keep the unborn child, but that doesn’t negate her right to a choice.
Based on my own personal circumstances, people would expect me to take the typical route and away with planned parenthood. However, I have two things to say on that accord:
- I am a male and given the fact that I wasn’t provided with a uterus, my personal opinions on matters related to uteruses will have to remain just that. PERSONAL. OPINIONS.
- I am living proof that providing women with a choice as well all the support mechanism to bring a child to term AND BEYOND that good can result from this. Sometimes, the most suitable option for that particular situation will be an abortion. However, to sentence a woman by removing her choice, you could be harming two lives simultaneously.
At the centrepoint of this discussion are the following facts:
- Societies and the laws that govern must always be structured to facilitate people living full lives within regulations that allow them not to hamper the quality of life of others.
- Laws cannot enforce the morality of one group at the expense another’s well-being.
- The morality of one social group should govern the actions of that group and their actions alone.
- Any body of laws that priorities the interests of one group before another – in this case, based on religious views – constitute the discrimination.
Essentially women and their right to a choice cannot be held hostage by the morals of individuals who do not support abortion, and I include myself in this group. Rightly so, this may become tricky when dealing with issues where one person’s rights would trample on another’s equally important rights. However, as one wise woman said quite recently, “ Human rights is a balancing act” which essentially means there are no absolutes. What is absolute is the fact that great societies will always be in the pursuit of allowing all its citizens to live fulfilling lives.