My one year fellowship at Atlas Corps is coming to an end. This year was worth a lifetime, literally. The opportunities I had access to are much more than what I imagined my whole life and many of my dreams came true. This is something I wish for every single one of you.
To make it happen for many many other emerging leaders, please donate on July 18 [donations matched] at
My highlights of this year are summarized in the below photo but they are not limited to those as every single moment is priceless:

  • Being hosted at IBM Corporate Citizenship ,IBM Corporate Service Corps amazing team.
  • Attending IBM Global Citizenship Conference of sessions, workshops and training.
  • Access to IBM Corporate world of resources and technology
  • Getting certified in the most recent approaches in various fields
  • Attending a speech of IBM CEO
  • Direct interaction with the IBM Foundation President and IBM Corporate Citizenship VP (who are FEMALES I look up to)
  • IBM talent Management’s Leadership Assessment
  • Assisting in evaluating innovative projects at the MIT IDEAS Global Challenge
  • Participating in Devex World 2018 and met my favorite writer
  • I will participate in NEXUS Global Summit NYC
  • The only Palestinian in the UN General Assembly President’s Youth Dialogue
  • Participating in LinkedIn Women Connect New York
  • Attending Women Who Tech, Startup Challenge at Google
  • Attending Microsoft New York Entrepreneurs Round Table
  • Attending Global Entrepreneurship Network launch of GEC 2019
  • Global Leadership Lab of Atlas Corps
  • Attending Las Vegas Consumer Electronic Show
  • Attending the 70th anniversary of AL-Nakba at the UN General Assembly
  • Meeting my favorite Singer Kadim Al Sahir
  • Snow for more than 4 months
  • Celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • Celebrating the 4th of July with Kelly Clarkson performing
  • Having fun visiting ALL the attractions of New York City and Washington DC
  • A community and family of best of the best Atlas Corps Fellows and Supports
  • Saw the Panda