Travel: A school of life.
Only one month left to ring the bells of the new year. Most of us start a new year with new reflections and decisions.
But first, shoundn’t we take a deep look at the year we spent.
2017 is a very special year in my life: Full of turnovers, changes, hard decisions, achievements and disappointments.
And more than any other year, 2017 can be summarized in one word: TRAVEL.
Actually there is a huge difference between traveling as a tourist, spending a couple of days or even weeks. And traveling for deeply living in a new culture, with different
people and different references.
January 2017: I’ve started it with a series of tours all around my country: Tunisia. Organizing training and mentoring in more than 15 regions from the extreme north to the extreme south was a life time opportunity for me to get the closest possible to all citizens, to break the barrier of prejudices and to discover the huge hidden potential in it.
Perfect timing: Few days before ending my experience managing #UTVB project, I realized that I am ready for the new challenge more than ever. Because this time, I’m not traveling to represent myself or my startup #SDC as I used to do for years, in many countries (Egypt, Italy,Germany,Morocco,France..). This time, my bag contained hope, perseverance, challenge, resistance, patience and willing of every dreaming Tunisian I’ve met.
Certainly our country is currently suffering from many issues : unemployment, economic crisis, corruption .. ( read blog x for details ), but I’ve seen a bright side that deserves to be highlighted to the world. This small land in geography and limitless in 3000 years history, is rich of his human potential than then any thing else.
Therefore, Wherever I go, I’m doing my best to contribute as much as I can, to build bridges taking people from all over the world, to the magic charm of Tunisia.
Few months after, I’m in Tuscany region: Italy. Doing business in Florence, discovering a very rich entrepreneurship ecosystem, but the most important thing, is meeting incredible people from all the world. Not only Italians since I was sharing housing with an Argentinian and Brazilian roommates, and spending free times with Canadian British and French friends.
A major output: A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles. Different cultures, perspectives, traditions and religions. Which is an amazing opportunity to learn and exchange.
Kind tip: If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home
July: new step, new travel. Here I am in the United States of America. Few months here: Already been in Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Baltimore..
Travel makes you modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. The more you see the more you know, the more you realize that still much more to know.
Yes, I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list.