dollsIt is usually said that childhood is the most beautiful period of life. Every dream seems realizable when you are a child. Being away from the negative feelings like hatred; the children do not discriminate any one on the basis of caste or creed.

Some days ago, I saw some little girls playing in the street in front of my apartment at Channel Square. They were playing with their dolls that were amazing and a bit funny.  They had re-painted the faces of their dolls and some were really looking a part of a horror fiction.

To play with dolls was one of my favorite activities during my childhood too.  To comb in the long hair of my doll and to re-paint her face with different colors was an amusing to me. The tiny kitchen toys with exotic colors and delicate plastic material was a great attraction to me.

When I saw those little girls playing with their awesome toys; I could not stop myself from joining with them.  “What are you playing with”, I simply asked to be a part of their game.  One of the little girls raised her tiny head and said, “We are playing with our princess’, she pointed towards her doll whose hair had been almost disappeared and one of her eyelash was hanging down. “ I am making soda and Marry is making cookies”, the other girl added.  “Would you like to have some”, she questioned.

Those beautiful moments spent with the little girls filled me with the new energy. Their innocence made me think about a universal truth. “These children do not care whether I am Muslim, Hindu, Jew or a Christian. They do not even bother about my creed or caste. They are simple and straight-forward without any pride or prejudice. They are playing the same games which the children of Asia, Africa, or Australia play. The essence of Divine itself is love but where the human beings get involved in the feelings of jealousy, betrayal and the other negative feelings from and the most important, why do we start hating each other. ….? These are the question that would perhaps remain unanswered forever.