”Is it time to wake up?” this was one of the last words of my colleague ”S” before i was told that he was killed in a bombing of a Hospital by the Syrian regime in Aleppo/Azaz area. He was heading to work as a volunteer like everyday and to serve his own people. the people who loves the most, the people that he never thought that one day will be massacred and displaced and became a toy between the hands of the big regimes.
”S” when he wakes up every morning he starts telling us about his stories of the last night in the Clinic. He was scared, terrified but he had so much energy and full of optimism for a better future for his country Syria, his people and a world without wars. ”S” never thought that he will be the next victim and all his energy will be taken away from him like it took away his family.
”S” was a nurse, a translator, a cleaner, logistician and sometimes a doctor. but he never complained, he was always smiling. ”S” -even our friendship was very short- inspired me and inspired everyone worked with him. He is the one who sacrificed his life for his community, he never asked for Prestigious prizes or gratitudes from anyone, he hated media anyways because he thinks its was the main reason in destroying his country by the crazy regime and loosing his family. His only prize was drawing smile on other people’s faces – and eating KENAFA as well-.
When i remember his last words ” Is it time to wake up?” my mind goes to something different now. We need to ask ourselves and we as leaders when this madness will stop and when those crazy arm dealers will stop making money by killing innocent people?
Me and my Amazing fellows of Class 26 and other classes how can we say Enough is enough !!! how can we say that we are tired of wars, of seeing innocents dying every second somewhere in the world ( Burma, Syria, Iraq, Congo, Yemen, SouthSudan…)
I believe that It’s time to wake up. and we are here today to say it loudly to the dictators, policy makers, politicians, Pharmaceutical companies, Arm dealers… stop your greed, you killed our people but you will never kill our ideas. our ideas will be our heritage to the next generations and it will grow up and one day the REAL LEADERS will take over the lead and will clean up your mess.
I have a dream like anyone attending this fellowship of a better world, a world without wars, a world where we can all live together, a safe place where we can sleep without having the fear of being bombed by a mad dictator, a world without diseases, a world without discrimination against people from different colors, religions or ideas. this dream is supported and shared by many of my friends and the people i met in this fellowship. and i hope one day the voice of my friend “S” will be heard by those people.
Finally, I believe that ”S” was a real leader and role model and an inspiration for all freedom fighters around the world. So, if you are a dreamer of a better world i want to tell you that the Future is Now and YES ITS TIME TO WAKE UP !
PS: we took this in our last Christmas, the building in the Horizon are from the Syrian side. We tried to say we will be happy whatever you do and we will keep standing for Humanity.