The Kashmir conflict is a territorial conflict primarily between India and Pakistan, having started just after the partition of India in 1947. There are several reasons involved including the interest of China, Water dispute – because Kashmir is the hub of water reservoir that is distributed among 4 Countries – 60% of the catchment areas with Pakistan, 20 percent with India, 5% Afghanistan, and 15% China (Tibet Region). The conflict remains between Pakistan and India that resulted in loss of several human beings.
Recently, 30 innocent Kashmiris were brutally killed by the Indian Army but the World’s media and leaders have other issues of urgency to deal with. I personally don’t support the word Jihad that people in Pakistan use for supporting Kashmir cause. Jihad itself has termed as one of the most negative word in our history – maybe because of mullahs/religious leaders – but there are examples of West supporting Jihad at one time. Coming back to the topic, the solution of Kashmir conflict is really important when the whole World is fighting for war against terror, we should also consider making peace where innocent people die everyday.
There is a UN Security Council Resolution on Kashmir was passed in 1948, that says, ‘that the final disposition of the state of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of United Nations’. One of the main reason Pakistan fight for this cause is to ensure that the UNSC resolution should be adopted, and the Kashmiris should be given their right to decide their fate. At the time when we see unity of the World for equality, freedom, and justice – why there is a dual standard for Kashmiri people who are part of our World and they deserve the same freedom that most of the World’s citizens practice. Even if Kashmiris are willing for a separate State and not joining Pakistan – I think this should be accepted by both Countries open heartedly – but let these people live with freedom and provide them liberty.
While I was writing this blog, 80 people killed in Truck attack in Nice, France. I am devastated of hearing the news of killings and murders and attacks – I wish we see peace in this World! Kashmir is a beautiful place and so as Kashmiris, we all should stand against the Indian atrocities in Kashmir. Let peace prevail and let’s support the humans of this world to live with freedom and liberty.