Atlas Corps Fellowship is truly a celebration of global diversity where by sharing house with people you never met, different from your own background, and you become like family members in very short while. Yes, I am referring the cool fellows from three different continents, i.e. Africa, Asia and South America, sharing Warder House. Despite of that we all are from different countries, speak different languages, grown up in different culture, eat different food and so on, still there is something common that bring us together, that is adaptability, and compassion.

When I arrived at Warder House, there were already two fellows living in the house. Two beautiful soul Harriet and Hythem. I still remember Hythem carrying my overloaded luggage in my room and Harriet feeding me breakfast and cooked delicious lunch next day. As it’s said, first impression is the last. So she has always been so adorable since first impression.

Every passing day made this20160220_174313 compassionate relationship much stronger. Relationship where we care, fight, tease, help, laugh, share and so on. Within few days we came up with the term “WARDERIST” for us and a theory of “WARDERISM” (this is our WhatsApp group) for fun chat and housekeeping rules.

But it’s a bitter truth that every good story has an end. Somewhere we knew that one day we all have to return to our country and might not see each other. That bitter truth started with Harriet. She completed her fellowship and wrapping up her luggage and sweet memories. Planning farewell dinner and attending farewell parties were just excuse to remain close to her and spend maximum possible time with this fantabulous soul before her cab arrives to take her to Dulles airport. Harriet’s farewell was hard to imagine and really painful to hold tears in-front of her. So yes we cried when she left and she probably have cried in plane.

With Harriet’s departure now four left in house and but wait, another farewell, another departure. No way. But yes its true next fellow left us today, many of you might not know, Hythem returned to his country and left us today. We really miss his loud laughter, his worst signing, over-spiced cooking, changing broken bulbs. Besides Atlas Corps Fellow, he was plumber, mechanic, cleaner, dish washer and electrician Wow multi-talented. The most important quality he has, which I really appreciate about him is his caring attitude. He volunteer to accompany me till my host organization’s office on my first day, as I was so afraid and sure that I will be lost.

We are going to miss him a lot, especially me, because I used to annoy him by saying stupid stuff and then take it back. I really want to apologize if anything ever hurt his feelings.

Last night was farewell dinnIMG-20160419-WA0005er with him, we friends hadgreat time with him as today early morning he had to leave. We woke up to say him bye with hugs and prayers, but nobody noticed that I haven’t said goodbye to him. I really hate this word and I will not going to say GOOD BYE anymore.

Well, I choose to replace GOOD BYE with a better word, “Aawjo” means come again. Thanks to richness of my mother tongue Gujrati, which has some words that offers you relief for time being. So Harriet and Hythem remember if you come to Pakistan you have home there, so AAWJO and I wish you both best of luck for your future endeavors.

Shhhhh Last but not least, please don’t spread anything about this on social media because Hythem’s wife doesn’t know that he was sharing house with four girls in WARDER HOUSE.