Global Perspectives: Connect, Exchange, Grow

Join us for the inaugural 2024 Hilton Humanitarian Prize Laureate Leadership Institute Summit! This event will be the first in-person gathering of the Scholars and Alumni of the Hilton Humanitarian Prize Laureate Virtual Leadership Institute (VLI). With the overarching theme of Global Perspectives, the Summit will invite participants to connect with like-minded peers in the humanitarian sector, fostering an environment for the exchange of first-hand experiences, and growth — both as individuals and as a community. 

Diverse insights and lessons learned in addressing the world’s most pressing issues take center stage, influencing innovative approaches and the sharing of valuable lessons. Moving beyond the conventional conference format, the Summit becomes a collective journey of discovery, serving as a potent catalyst for positive change. 

We invite you to express your interest for this opportunity to establish meaningful connections, exchange insights, and collectively navigate towards a more compassionate and sustainable future for global humanitarian efforts!

The Summit will take place over two days in late 2024 in the United States of America. The Summit will gather 50 delegates selected from Scholars and Alumni of the Hilton Prize VLI. The Summit’s goal is to deepen the learning, experience, and professional connections among the Hilton Humanitarian Prize Laureate VLI Community.

Express your interest here by January 5, 2024 to be considered for attendance in the Hilton Prize Leadership Summit. Further information regarding location, date and time will be shared once they have been finalized. We have limited slots available, so we encourage you to confirm interest early!


  • You must currently work at a Hilton Humanitarian Prize Laureate Organization. See the full list here.
  • You must have successfully graduated from the Hilton Humanitarian Prize Laureate Virtual Leadership Institute between 2021-2023. A select number of delegate slots will also be reserved for active Scholars of the Hilton Prize VLI in 2024, who will apply next year.
  • You must be committed to actively attending the full Hilton Humanitarian Prize Leadership Summit within dates to be announced later.
  • You must be committed to maintaining active participation within the Hilton Prize VLI Alumni Network for the next 12 months following the Summit.
  • You should hold U.S. citizenship or residence, have authorization to travel to the U.S., or be eligible to obtain a U.S. visa prior to the Summit.


Atlas Corps will select members based on the strength of their applications and past participation in Hilton Prize VLI and Alumni activities. Atlas Corps also aims to achieve representation from various Hilton Prize VLI Cohorts, geographic regions, and Hilton Prize Laureate Organizations.


If you are selected to attend, you will receive the following:

  • Admission to attend the Hilton Humanitarian Prize Leadership Summit spanning two full days (excluding travel days),
  • In-person networking, community-building, and leadership development activities through the Hilton Prize Leadership Summit alongside other selected delegates from the Hilton Prize VLI Alumni Network,
  • Stipend for travel to the Summit location from your city/country,  
  • Accommodation for 2 or 3 nights during the Summit (for those not located in the area of the Summit location),
  • Meals during the program of the Summit,
  • E-certificate for participation in the Summit
  • Note: If you are selected to attend the Summit, the exact amount of your travel stipend and hotel benefits will be shared upon acceptance. We expect that it will cover all or nearly all of your program-related travel expenses, but exact costs can vary.


The deadline to confirm interest for the Hilton Prize Leadership Summit is January 5, 2024. We expect to notify selected delegates and alternates in early 2024.


Additional information is available here.


Hilton Prize VLI Alumni will be invited to submit a proposal for a workshop they would like to lead during the Summit, and the application form will be shared later. Alumni Workshops are typically 45 minutes, and authors of selected workshop proposals will receive support from Atlas Corps to develop their ideas further. There will be a limited number of opportunities for Alumni to present during the Summit. Alumni workshops can focus on one of the following or similar topics suggested by Alumni:

  • Collaborative Partnerships for Lasting Impact: NGO and Private Sector Collaboration,
  • Community-Led Development: Empowering Local Initiatives,
  • Crisis Communication: Navigating Information Chaos,
  • Cultural Competence in Humanitarian Aid: Enhancing Effectiveness,
  • Digital Storytelling for Social Impact: Amplifying Humanitarian Narratives,
  • Gender Equity in Humanitarian Action: From Policy to Practice,
  • Humanitarian Diplomacy: Navigating Complex Political Landscapes,
  • Humanitarian Leadership in the Digital Age: Navigating the Challenges,
  • Innovative Funding Models for Sustainable Development Projects,
  • Mental Health and Resilience in Crisis: Strategies for Humanitarian Leaders
  • Tech for Good: Harnessing Technology in Humanitarian Projects. 


For questions not included in the FAQs, please contact our Summit Team at


You can confirm interest in the Summit by completing the Google Form here. Please plan approximately 30-45 minutes to complete this form. This form must be completed in one sitting and cannot be saved, so we encourage you to draft your responses in a separate document and then submit them in the official form. You can review the entire application here.