The month of October is known for many events and I am sure we know a few of these. If you are a foodie, and of course you know I would start with this. It is American Cheese Month, U.S National Caramel, Sausage, Seafood, Dessert, Vegetarian and Pasta Month, Spinach Lovers Month – to mention a few. Oh there’s World Chicken Day on the second Thursday too! Interestingly, it is also the Eat Better, Eat Together Month where we are encouraged to eat healthy and spend quality time with family (I believe family is whatever/whoever you make it). Animal lovers are not left out. October serves as Adopt A Shelter Dog Month, Squirrel Awareness Month and Bat Appreciation Month (yes bats).
Some of us also know this month as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. October 2nd is the International day of Non-Violence. This month is Emotional Wellness Month (as well as Emotional Intelligence Month), Global Diversity Awareness Month, LGBT History Month and Photographers Appreciation Month.
For the health sector folks, October is World Blindness, Dyslexia and Celiac Disease Awareness Month, and even World Menopause Month. It’s also popularly known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM). So don’t be surprised to see lots pink and pink ribbons this month. BCAM is an international campaign organized most charities and nonprofits to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.
Whatever interests you, there’s something going on this October. This month is Church Safety and Security Month, Health Literacy Month, Children’s Magazine Month, Financial Planning Month, Workplace Politics Awareness Month, Self-Promotion Month, Right Brainers Rule! Month. The right side of the brain is considered the creative side. The list goes on and on. And this is just for October!
One interesting celebration that got my attention is the National I’m Just Me Because Month. It’s a movement that encourages all people to express their individuality and diversity. Its goal is to foster an environment of acceptance and respect. Its mission is to spread awareness and break stereotypes. Sounds to me like building bridges! Read more at