HAI 2I would like to share with you about my host organization and the vibrant moment we are living this year. After concluding a Retreat of one week with regional directors around the world in Chicago and Winsconsin where we focused in our 5 year strategic plan. We are experimenting a growth of 2 digits last years with major changes in our structure as new regions established, with a new Board of Directors, and other changes coming soon.

HAI Chicago



Heartland Alliance is the leading anti-poverty organization in the Midwest, believes that all of us deserve the opportunity to improve our lives. Each year, we help ensure this opportunity for nearly one million people in United States and around the world who are homeless, living in poverty, or seeking safety. Heartland Alliance International (HAI) where I work is one of five departments under the big umbrella. HAI served in the 2014 to 181,872 participants, and Average per month of 18,187 in regions like: Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America & Caribbean, Middle East and United States in eleven countries: Iraq, Lebanon, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cotte D’ivore, Mexico, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti.


HAI has 41 different programs, 48 program sites and 16 field offices where we implement high-quality, trauma-informed, evidence-based mental health programs. Also Access to Justice programs that ensure those who have been marginalized have access to quality, equitable legal services such as Statelessness in the Dominican Republic and Syrian refugees in Lebanon just to mention two.

In United States we own Kovler Center: Founded in 1987, one of first torture treatment centers in U.S. Leader in torture services, training, and advocacy. Since founding more than 2,000 survivors from 84 countries served. Has represented U.S. in Geneva before U.N. Convention on Torture (CAT) Review.

Our mission is to secure the rights and well-being of marginalized people and communities and 125 years of domestic experience informs our international work.

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I am so grateful to have the honor and opportunity to work with a team of talented and committed individuals who have to face with big challenges in the most complex areas of the world in war zones such as Iraq, Syria, and Colombian territories displaced by guerrilla warfare . There is no better work than to link arms with those committed to building a world of compassion and justice a world without poverty, without danger and without injustice.

HAI Team1