It’s said, “Governance isn’t just about making the right decision; rather it’s about the process of decision making”. What is Governance? It is basically the process of governing undertaken by government, market, bunch of people over a tribe, family or a territory. Most of the developing nations are facing the dilemma of bad governance. Corruption, the inefficiency of public institutions, political and social injustices are the major ingredients of bad governance. Many of the conflict affected states and fragile area needs conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction as poverty is the main cause of conflict in most of the fragile states. If people are poor, hungry, have limited access to the basic necessities of life like food, shelter, clothing and basic healthcare services they will be more inclined towards the worse economic situation or war with themselves.
As we can see, bad governance is one of the biggest reasons causing war in South Sudan. Thousands of people are dying or displaced every day due to the worse managed government system. I believe, capacity development of people and institutions is becoming a fundamental need to attain peace in fragile states and difficult environments. Politicians need to change the way to governing the nation. I believe that good governance is a key to solving many of the problems in the country and bring prosperity but it does not mean that we rely only on government to work alone. We all have to play our part to make this world a better place to live.
If we talk about corruption, we cannot only blame the government officials or politicians governing the country but the corruption is happening at all levels. All of us should make ourselves accountable for the poor governance. As I belong to a developing country where resources are scarce and opportunities are limited I believe that economic institutions and political bodies need to work together toward good governance and to eradicate extreme poverty. The inclusion of young people in decision-making process at all levels is also an important element to consider.
Poor governance and weak political participation of young people lead to violence and extremism. Poor, uneducated, marginalized, and unemployed young people become violent because of the poor economic and social structures, lack of any platform to express their needs, grievances, and hopes. They believe that violence is the only solution to voice their issues but this perspective needs to be changed by counselling and working together to implement the idea of good governance and to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.