International studies and survey data confirm that sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) is a widespread problem with serious repercussions in terms of personal suffering, health complications, disability, and death for women, children and men, in addition to having significant costs for healthcare systems and society at large (USAID, 2006, UNFPA/AIDOS, 2003). Gender-based violence has been defined as involving men and women in which the female is usually the victim and which is derived from unequal power relations between men and women (USAID, 2010a). Based on documentation of occurrences of conflict zone violence perpetrated by women on men and other women (Johnson et al., 2010) and recorded cases of male victimization, Lawry (2011) has broadened the definition to include any harm including sexual violence to an individual that is perpetrated against their will and is a result of power imbalances. I am sharing some of the featured top videos made on the subject in 2016, produced by WHY Foundation. Introduction below is taken from the website of this prestigious organization itself. Academy award-winning actress Dame Helen Mirren is the voice of 10 short films that shed light on different aspects of girls’ and women’s opportunities and challenges in a structurally unequal world. “There are still so many obstacles for girls and women. We must never forget to fight this battle,” said Mirren. “I am proud to take part in 10 short films directed by talents from different corners of the world, shedding light on the challenges faced by women and girls globally.” The short films were produced by The Why Foundation based in Copenhagen, Denmark, the non- organization behind the media initiative, WHY WOMEN? The themes of the films cover a vast range of topics including health, sexual rights, education, political participation, economic equality and more. The scripts were written by Danish author Trine Beckett and the young Danish feminist activist Emma Holten. The visuals were gathered from various directors from all over the world through an innovative, crowd sourced, talent competition. I am sharing few of the links down here as reference to the quality of work that has been produced.

1. What Ami did not know,

2. The Benefit s of a toilet,

3. What If?

4. One Bride, Seven cows or Box of the Heroine