Dear Friends I would like to write about the Walk Together – “Together Stronger” a non-profit organization that have protected the rights and interests of young Albanian people in supporting them to pursue their goals in life where I was executive director for around 7 years.

 During that period of time I have tried to Create and bring something different, for all young people who was tired of the monotony and was looking for an active life. The organization was rich with information, endless training and projects that have integrated all the young people towards a secure future success.

Walk Together was a youth movement in which ideas and energies of our youth have been the most valid capital.

  • We have tried to achieve the goals by stimulating contemporary critical thinking for young people and by establishing a support structure that provides consultancy for young people in their pursuit of the role they play in society.
  • We were aiming at raising awareness about the contribution that the youngsters should give to society with their energy and progressive ideas.
  • We have cooperated with the mass media for the promotion of culture and environment, by emphasizing literature, cultural heritage, and Albania’s breathtaking nature.

The mission of Walk Together was in promotion of equal opportunities, as well as the protection of youth rights and their interests, by inciting active participation in different social projects.

What we were doing?

  • (1) Networks! We have built networks among NGO’s working in youth empowerment.
  • (2) Environment! We have fight for the protection and re-establishment of green spaces in Albania by involving the youth.
  • (3) Social Life! We have aimed at making youth sensible to the negative effects caused by the consumption of legal and illegal drugs.
  • (4) Exchange! We have built partnerships with other NGO’s for exchange programs and training courses.

Some of the project that We have implemented :

  • Bologna process information – December 2008
  • Promoting Minority Youth Empowerment in Europe – T.C Action 3.1 – April 2009
  • United we can do it! UK- Civil Society Against Extremism – June 2009
  • Light for rights – Unicef Albania– February 2010
  • Fiesta Bristol 888, UK – April 2010
  • Living together in intercultural society – T.C October 2010
  • A crash course for youth workers about EVS- April 2011
  • Volunteers for environment – May, 2012- Armenia
  • Youth in the world – YE – Malta – May 2012
  • Youth Exchange “INTIMO, Integration trough movie” – March 2013 – B&H
  • International Training Act by Knowing the Means of Democracy – April 2013 in Iasi, Romania
  • International summer camp – UK – June 2013
  • Colorful Marbling, Handcrafted Youth, Inclusive Society -TC- Turkey – June 2013
  • Not Just Numbers – Seminar – November 2013

More information of all the projects that i have implemented you Will find here at this link: