Not my words, quoting wonderful author Anais Nin, I came to an understanding that without dreaming we are just empty souls and I am very happy my dreams have lead me here to do a year in Washington D.C. through Atlas Corps at Human Rights Campaign.

So once again… dreams are necessary to live!

With my first post I want to share how the first month has been so far.  My Journey started off differently then some of you… I had to take a stop in NYC to take part in a lesbian wedding which I truly believe was a wonderful opportunity! Yet it was my first same-sex marriage, hoping it wasn’t the last one.

After exploring some of the good cuisine that NYC had to offer and the beautiful scenery, said good-bye yet to travel to Washington with MEGA BUS (the coldest ride of my entire life – guessing there will be more since I hope to travel back and forth between the East Coast After exploring some of the good cuisine that NYC had to  offer and the beautiful scenery, I cities throughout my year.

Arriving to DC and spending a wonderful amount of time with having loots of coffee, meetings, orienting with Atlas Corps Class 26 Fellows – not to mention dancing to debrief shrunken brains at the wonderful Soiree, we seem to have become a family.

The past two weeks ended with a lot of team building activities within our classes, among other class representatives…and the first week started with some of us moving to new apartments, new routes and routines of everyday life.

I have to say I will miss my fellows until the next meeting in January but I am happy that I am finally having my healthy daily regimen back and hoping to see what the new month brings…