This is how human capital development differs from training and content facilitation- it helps re-engineer and redevelop the core of the learners and beneficiaries. Human capital development is considered as the holistic approach to learning and it involves training, teaching, mentorship, job shadowing and other approaches tailored to the learner. It’s beyond just training. Every human capital development professional wants to achieve outcomes which most often are against some set standards( training and learning objectives). HCD is supposed to inspire, connect and engage the learner. This is best done by quickly replacing tedious ‘sit n get’ training approaches with ‘woo n do’ interactive workshops. The purpose is to get people to learn at their best and reinforce the content of the training. This methodology is called the ‘Brilliance Learning System’. This system focuses on the people, content, and the learning design. The people comes first; thinking through those who will receive the content. Focusing on the people helps you tailor your content to their needs. The content focuses on the what is being transferred. And the learning design focuses on the methodology and approach to delivering the content.
The right content without an effective delivery method negates the essence of the content. That is why instructional design helps professionals think through how to deliver contents and optimize the learning process. The 6 step ENGAGE model illustrate a different aspect of instructional design.
- Energize Learners: Familiarize your learners before the session starts. Get to know them personally, connect with them, know them by names. That helps build rapport. Send them books, emails, podcasts, articles, study guide, pre-assessment. Get the juices flowing prior the session. Help pump their energy. Have interactive activities.
- Navigate Content: Create a diverse activity that aligns with the learning objectives. Give everyone a chance to learn confidently. Use demonstrations, stories, handout, case studies, role play, mind maps etc. The key is variety and repetition
- Generate Meaning: Connect what is being learned and to the reality of the learners. Share values, motives, and benefits improve their commitment to the process. Give values but first, understand what is valuable to them. Focus on the need for everyone and deliver training based on needs.
- Apply to the real world: The learners want to be sure what they have learned can really be used and that they can model the right behavior. Practice, Practice and practice until your learners are confident to face any challenge in the real world.
- Guage and celebrate: Review and assess what learners have learned and helped them cement the neuro-connections in the brain. This can be in the form of games, puzzle, presentation, group mind map
- Extend Learning to Action: Create a space so that learners can move from learning to doing. You can initiative online forums, reminders, rewarding early adopters etc.