(This was from my diary.  I wrote this coming back from DC as a business trip at the first week of April)


Now I am in the train on my way to home from Washington, DC.  This trip reminds me of when I firstly took the train after the Atlas Corps orientation in January.  It snowed heavily at that time.  I was quite nervous, as it was too dark outside and it was the first time for me to take Amtrak, even worse I was not able to see outside to figure out the name of station.  I was not able to sleep at all.  I was afraid of missing the destination.  After three months since then, now I cannot sleep because views are really beautiful and I see spring eventually comes.

Snow day in Connecticut
Snow day in Connecticut

I still remember when we, Class 14 fellows, firstly had snow in DC.  It was the mid of January and we enjoyed snow.  At that time, we were very pleased to have snow like children.  Seeing white world makes people happy typically.  However, I found my happiness didn’t last that long.

The Connecticut State where I live was freezing last winter. Snow continued even after I arrived in Connecticut.  It was more and more.  One day, there was snow storm.  Schools, government offices, and shops were closed.  My office was not exceptional.  Our Operation Department suggested all staffs work from home.  It was a little bit shocking for me, since I didn’t face any situation like this before.  In South Korea, even we had a lot of snow sometimes; staffs were expected to be in the office anyhow. I thought that here in U.S. people were really reasonable and it was very right decision for everyone.  During last winter, we had almost three snow days that we worked from home and two days the office opened late.

Recently I have heard one of really interesting reasons behind this “reasonable decision” from one American friend of mine.  Ultimately, U.S. is a kind of country, familiar with suing culture.  When it comes to matters of who is in danger, because of your wrong decision, the person will sue for it.  Therefore people are really cautious to take responsibilities.  But, it is still a reasonable reason, isn’t it?

Spring comes!