These days, I have been thinking a lot about the road that led me to being an Atlas Corps Fellow, my 1 1/2 years serving at the US Fund for UNICEF, and what’s to come after I complete the program.

Fellows come from very different backgrounds. Some were already leaders in their home countries. Others were starting their careers. What we have in common is potential and a strong passion for humanity. So in our own fields, in our own ways, with our own skills, our goal is to make a difference by responding to the world’s most pressing needs.

A very dear friend shared with me a video by a Thai telecom company called True Corporation. It’s a must-see:

I believe that we are all here today because we were once helped. I say that because we all, at the end of the day, want to leverage our knowledge and capacity to be able to impact and help the largest possible number of people. And we too, in a way or another, will eventually have a chance to “pay for someone else’s expenses”. And it won’t cost much.

So when this day comes, I pray that I can remember where I came from. I pray that if I can open doors, I will not hesitate to do it. I pray that I can be true to the people who helped me get here. And finally, I pray that the investment that was made in me is maximized into the lives of many people.