I wrote this poem in the wave of killings and pronouncements that incite anger and hatred by our newly elected President Rodrigo Duterte. According to a 2009 Human Rights Watch report, it had earlier investigated the cases of some of the hundreds of people — including children as young as 14 — murdered by death squads in Davao City and other cities in the Philippines. Furthermore while it is said that though there is no hard evidence of Duterte’s direct role in ordering the killings, the Human Rights Watch found proof that Davao City officials and police were directly involved.

A supporter holds a poster of then presidential candidate and Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte during an election campaign rally in May. Photo credit: AFP

A supporter holds a poster of then presidential candidate and Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte during an election campaign rally in May. Photo credit: AFP

During his campaign rallies, he cracked a joke about the mayor (referring to himself) in raping an Australian missionary who he likened as a beautiful American address. Typing these words still make my stomach sick. I have watched the awful video but what made me sick even more, was the fact that people actually laughed when he said that remark. I honestly do not know what lies for the next six years for our country but he is our president now. After accepting the fact that he is our president now, I will do try to support him but at the same time I will not remain silent when bigotry, misogyny and extra judicial killings will plunder this administration, our government and my country.

A thousand dead

Two thousand dead

Three thousand dead

How many more bodies, bullets and bloodshed

The Punisher cried he’d be happy to slaughter men

The war on drugs should leave no stone unturned

To crackdown drug – related crimes

For the interest of those next in line

A thousand dead

Two thousand dead

Three thousand dead

Alas these are nothing but a mere collateral damage

You see, the Punisher’s vernacular is a marching order

To the vigilantes and ordinary police officer

Who recognize no border

In the wave of killings and blood soaked war

turning out to be against the poor

There lies the three thousand dead

Whose voices were suppressed

Left wives to widows and children orphan

And like the Punisher, I will cast my expletives

Stop the killings, end impunity

Respect people’s lives and dignity