We all have superpowers, skills, abilities, and expertise that set us apart from each other. My first week at my host was all about meeting practitioners and networking. The one question that I got asked across the board is: “So, what is your superpower?” The first time I got asked that question, I paused and it took me a few seconds to come up with one superpower that summarizes all my skills and expertise. Pause for a second and think about this. Your answer to that question will define the way people in your host will perceive you, skill wise. If your superpower is a specific skill like project management or grant management or technical writing or if it a specific area such as education, health, energy, governance then people will look for you to join their teams. However, if you are not specific about your superpower then you will not be able to stand out in the crowd. Think Personal Branding!

If you are a new Atlas Corps Fellow and interested to know more about Personal Branding and how to use it at your host, please do not hesitate to reach out.

So, what is your Superpower?