Kiva is an online peer-to-peer micro-finance website aiming to empower individuals to lend and support low-income entrepreneurs.
When individuals visit KIVA’s website, browse borrowers’ profiles, select the candidate and then make a loan, this will enable those borrowers to achieve economic independence and improve their lives.
KIVA In Numbers
$1,000,000,000 Amount lent through Kiva
1,600,000 Kiva Lenders
2,600,000 Kiva Borrowers
1,243,847 Loans funded (97% repayment rate)
86 countries where KIVIA works
How it works
1- Choose a borrower
You can browse the different categories of borrowers such as people looking to grow business, go to schools
2- Make a loan
After you select a borrower, you make a loan starting from $25
3- Get Repaid
You always receive periodical updates about the loan and how much returned
4- Repeat
Once loan is fulfilled, you can repeat or withdraw