I like this statement from human rights campaign human rights serve as a powerful tool to motivate, drive and guide development here, Improve access to the basic human rights for everybody (Access to social rights, economic rights, political rights, cultural rights, and community rights).

15 years after the world started moving toward a set of global goals, we know them under the name of, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), I was sitting in the middle of Manhattan during the UN Social Good Summit listening to speakers from different parts of the world talking about the marvel of SDGs documents and lost my train of thought many times-which I don’t like to do during business hours unless for work reasons. One of the good things that I noticed, was the common understanding and ideas about what people want to achieve by the end of 2030 that was displayed constantly during the panel discussion, and I remember that I couldn’t distinguish between the representatives of Kenya and Ireland as the words seemed to be coming out of the mouth of the same person from one country.

The big question that needed to be answered, was how the same intergovernmental system is going to work together to achieve this set of goals and help people around the globe. The main aim of the SDGs is to have a new attempt to end poverty, hunger and war. These three areas now need real reformation and a restructuring of the international economic system, as it is the only way for ordinary people around the world to get their rights and move on towards development and prosperity.

There are several key challenges that face our 2030 goals that we must recognize and admit humbly so to better work at eliminating them. One of the biggest enemies of the 2030 goals is corruption, benefiting international corperations through stealing natural resources in unfair deals and the exploitation of labor.  Worldwide, the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that there are 168 laborers, 85 million work in hazardous conditions.

Taking raw materials from developing countries and recycling the final products into the developing countries’ economy is not going to be helpful toward achieving SDGs or ending extreme poverty: we need to increase ownership, transparency and accountability to do this the right way,

Corporations and industries are plying the major role in climate change which affects most of   agriculture land productivity and has a direct effect on the SDGs’ and the end of the hunger and food crisis.