In most developing Countries girl child education is not a priority and it has caused a lot of gender inequalities in term of women holding the key positions in the public life either in government or private institutions. The parents with low earning income normally take boy child to school leaving the girl child when coming to opportunity cost. As a result it becomes an education gap where by the women are not mostly involved to participate in domestics and national decisions making on issues affecting them and largely they are the one in which decisions are made on their behalf.
Getting to know the reasons for far too long, the right to education has been denied to many girls across the world and it is blamed on poverty, poor access to school, lack of sanitary facilities and social norms such as child marriage and female genital mutilation, have all been preventing girls from realizing this basic rights and for sure it is less important argument because the girl child is not a cause of all these standing blocks for their lives instead the cultural setting and lack of social justice put them in most disadvantaged state.
But the people need to consider the imperative of educating a girl child if we wanted to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women in this world and I quote ‘this comes at a time, when girls’ education has proven to be one of the most cost-effective strategies to promote development and economic growth.’ Studies have shown that educated mothers tend to have healthier, better nourished babies, and that their own children are more likely to attend school, thus helping break the vicious cycle of poverty.
I strongly believe that there is no effective way of empowering women when the girl child has not been educated in first place, the initiative taken today by most of the UN agencies and nonprofit organizations by promoting girl child education need to be also highly supported by member states and parents to facilitate the smooth learning of our sisters and daughters in order to expand the freedoms, the education and opportunities for women holds the key to kick-starting inclusive economic growth.
In addition to that, gender equality is a key determinate of food Security. Studies across many countries suggest that increasing women’s access to productive resources to equal that of men would increase farm yields by 20-30%. Extra yields of this magnitude will be needed to offset expected losses from drought and other consequences of the climate change. With education, capital, and access to markets and technologies, women could turn commodity surpluses into profits by processing, packaging and marketing products, especially for Africa’s growing middle class.
In conclusion, ensuring girl child education, sexual and reproductive rights, gender equality and women’s empowerment should be prioritized in implementation of SDGs as human rights imperative for all women and girls of this world.