Promo Tools for Embassies, Consulates, and Missions
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Atlas Corps is recruiting young professionals from all around the world to participate in our nonprofit leadership development exchange program. This webpage includes customized information for Embassies and Consulates to help disseminate our thrice annual call for application. Atlas Corps is proudly “Visibly American.” The Atlas Corps Fellowship is made possible, in part, by the generous support of the American people through the United States Department of State
Click here to see the Promotional Tools Guide
Questions: Email Abby Flottemesch, Chief Development & Engagement Officer,
Table of Contents (as included in the pdf)
- What is Atlas Corps?
- What Others Are Saying About Us
- Informational Text
- Social Media
- Sample Press Release
- Digital Video Conferencing
- Press Opportunities
- How to Stay in Touch
- Local Language Materials
1. What is Atlas Corps?
Atlas Corps is a U.S. Government-funded, J-1 exchange, training program for young professionals (ages 22-35). Our participants tend to be nonprofit/NGO/social sector professionals with 2-10 years of experience, a college degree, English proficiency and a commitment to return to their country after the 6-18 month fellowship. These “Fellows” receive skills training from Atlas Corps as well as on-the-job training with our partners, including organizations like Ashoka, CARE, the Grameen Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, McKinsey, Operation Smile, Oxfam, Peace Corps, Special Olympics, Susan G. Komen, UN Foundation, UNICEF, WWF, and many more. Atlas Corps has placed 155 leaders from 49 different countries and we have a 99.5% return rate—only one Fellow stayed after getting married and attending grad school.
Atlas Corps is similar, in some ways, to the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) and the Humphrey Fellowship, except that our Fellowships are longer (6-18 months, with 90% being 12-months or longer), and that our Fellows are placed nearly full time at organizations and the training program is layered on top of that (as opposed to an academic masters with an accompanying internship).
Atlas Corps is a U.S. Government-supported organization. The Peace Corps, as well as many Embassies, Consulates, and the Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan have funded Atlas Corps. When Atlas Corps receives U.S. government funding, it helps guarantee that a civil society leader from that country is able to participate in the program. However, Embassies and Consulates do not need to fund a Fellow to disseminate our call for applications. For additional information on funding a Fellow from your country (usually a $9,500 cost to fund a Fellow for 12-months of training), please contact Abby Flottemesch at This document is primarily a guide to how you can help spread the word about our program and share the opportunity with your local contacts.
2. What Others Are Saying About Us
“The Atlas Corps model of professional exchange is one of the most innovative exchange programs with which I’ve have worked.”
– Ambassador Maura Harty, former Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs
I highly recommend Atlas Service Corps! The Fellowship is one of the best programs for mid-level non-profit professionals from all over the world aimed at bringing young leaders from other countries to the US to learn and share their knowledge and services….I am one of the Fellows of 2010 and I strongly believe that this opportunity gives young people good responsibilities to gain best knowledge on development and strategizing of the democracy. It helps to mobilize and sensitize the young leaders so that they will be able fully take part in solving their problems, create environments, through collaboration, that build strong, healthy youth who are proactive in a complex and changing world.
-Sherzodbeck Sharipov (Uzbekistan, Class 5, Host: U.S. International Center on Disabilities)
3. Informational Text
Atlas Corps does not require officers to nominate candidates, vet applications or write recommendations. We are simply offering the opportunity to disseminate our call for applications. The easiest ways to do this are (a) to forward the information below to nonprofit contracts and also (b) to share the informational text internally within the Mission to Political, USAID, Economic, Consular, and even the CLO to spread the word with contacts they know.
Atlas Corps can provide this text in your local language. Simply email and it will be provided for you. In addition, a Word Doc version of this document is also available via email or at
A. Information Text For External Contacts
Dear Embassy Contact,
The U.S. Embassy would like your help in disseminating the fellowship announcement below to rising nonprofit/NGO leaders. Atlas Corps is a U.S. Government funded leadership development program that seeks the best, young professionals working on social issues to participate in a 12 months leadership development program in the United States. More information is below and is available online:
Paid, Overseas Fellowship Positions with Atlas Corps
Atlas Corps seeks nonprofit leaders from and around the world to apply for their fellowship positions in the United States. This prestigious fellowship program pays the participants expenses, including a living stipend, health insurance, and training. Applicants must have 2-10 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, a college degree, fluency in English (and Spanish if applying to volunteer in Colombia), and a commitment to return to their home country after one year. Candidates should be ages 22-35 years old. Fellows are placed at some of the world’s best organizations, including Ashoka, Acumen, CARE, Grameen Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, NetImpact, Oxfam, Peace Corps, Special Olympics, UN Foundation, WWF and many more. In addition to volunteering full time at their host organizations, Fellows are enrolled in a leadership development training program and join a growing network of 155 leaders from 49 different countries around the world. For more details about eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit:
Visibly American: The Atlas Corps Fellowship is made possible, in part, by the generous support of the American people through the United States Department of State.
B. Information Text For Internal Contacts
Embassy Contacts –
PAS would like to request your help and that of other officers to spread the word about the fellowship announcement below to rising nonprofit/NGO leaders. Atlas Corps is a U.S. Government funded leadership development program that seeks the best, young professionals working on social issues to participate in a 12-month leadership development program in the United States. The best candidates tend to be nonprofit leaders in their late 20s, with strong English and impressive leadership potential. Candidates may have previous experience in the U.S. More information is below and is available online:
Paid, Overseas Fellowship Positions with Atlas Corps
Atlas Corps seeks nonprofit leaders from [insert country name] and around the world to apply for their fellowship positions in the United States. This prestigious fellowship program pays the participants expenses, including a living stipend, health insurance, and training. Applicants must have 2-10 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, a college degree, fluency in English (and Spanish if applying to volunteer in Colombia), and a commitment to return to their home country after one year. Candidates should be ages 22-35 years old. Fellows are placed at some of the world’s best organizations, including Ashoka, Acumen, CARE, Grameen Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, NetImpact, Oxfam, Peace Corps, Special Olympics, UN Foundation, WWF and many more. In addition to volunteering full time at their host organizations, Fellows are enrolled in a leadership development training program and join a growing network of 155 leaders from 49 different countries around the world. For more details about eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit:
Visibly American: The Atlas Corps Fellowship is made possible, in part, by the generous support of the American people through the United States Department of State.
4. Social Media
Another easy way to disseminate the call for applications is via social media. Below is sample Facebook language and Twitter messages. In addition, we can provide this for you in your local language and we can also send pictures for you to share as well.
A. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Text
Atlas Corps seeks world’s best #nonprofit leaders (ages 23-35) for prestigious fellowship More info:
Seeking world’s best rising nonprofit leaders to apply for prestigious @atlascorps fellowship
Global development professionals invited to apply for prestigious @atlascorps fellowship Please RT
When posting on Facebook, please remember to tag Atlas Corps ( in your post and when posting on Twitter, be sure to tag our twitter account @atlascorps.
Here are some samples:
B. Pictures or Video (for Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram)
Our experience is that Facebook posts with pictures or video are liked and shared more often. We can provide pictures or video for you to share. Some were attached to this PDF. Here are three pictures we have used. We have hundreds of pictures online here: To download the picture, simple right click on the image below and save to your desktop.
5. Sample Press Release
Atlas Corps will collaborate with Information Officers to have press releases sent to the local media to either announce the Fellowship or to announce when a Fellow from that country is accepted or returns home. We can provide copy in local language, with relevant quotes, with pictures and focused on Mission Priorities. Here is a sample press release:
For Immediate Release
U.S. Embassy Encourages Local Nonprofit Leaders To Apply for Prestigious Leadership Development Program in the U.S.
March 1, 2013
Mexico City, Mexico – XXXX, the Public Affairs Officer for the U.S. Embassy in Mexico announced today a competitive fellowship for nonprofit/NGO leaders from Mexico to apply for a paid, prestigious fellowship in the U.S. for one year of leadership development through Atlas Corps. “The U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce that Atlas Corps is seeking nonprofit leaders with 2-10 years of experience, a college degree and English proficiency to apply for the Atlas Corps Fellowship. Mexico has a strong nonprofit sector and this is an opportunity for rising Mexican leaders to receive training in the U.S. and also to share their experiences with U.S. organizations. Promoting people to people ties is a long standing priority of the U.S. Government and this is a great opportunity for leaders in the social sector.”
The Founder of Atlas Corps, Scott Beale, added, “Atlas Corps has supported 155 leaders from 49 countries including five from Mexico. We encourage Mexican nonprofit leaders to apply today at The fellowship covers all of the basic living expenses and provides a high quality training program for nonprofit professionals.
About Atlas Corps
Atlas Corps is a U.S. Government funded leadership development program for nonprofit/NGO/social change leaders from around the world to receive 6-18 months of professional development in the U.S. The U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy named Atlas Corps one of the 10 best exchange programs in the country. For more information, please visit Contact: Abby Flottemesch, +1-202-263-4545,
6. Digital Video Conferencing
Atlas Corps Staff, Fellows, and Alumni are available for Digital Video Conferencing with audiences in your district. For example, the Embassy or Consulate could invite a group of nonprofit leaders to come to the American Center to hear a presentation by the Atlas Corps Founder, Scott Beale, or by a Fellow who is from their country or speaks their language. We are able to come to Main State to participate in a Co.NX or via Google On Air.
7. Press Opportunities
Atlas Corps Fellows are leaders in their country, experts in their field, knowledgeable of both the U.S. and their country and bilingual. They receive press training during orientation and are available for press opportunities with U.S. or with home country media when appropriate.
A. Television.
For example, two Fellows from Egypt were actively involved in organizing the Egyptian Revolution in Tahir Square. One Fellow is Muslim, the other Coptic Christian. Both are nonprofit and social media leaders. In 2011, CSPAN invited them to participate in a conversation with viewers:
B. Radio
The U.S. Embassy in Abuja included in their grant to Atlas Corps a request that the three Nigerian Fellows they supported participate in a “Nigerians in the U.S.” radio show. While this level of engagement is only available to Embassies that fund Atlas Corps, we are willing to have our Fellows, Alumni, and Staff interviewed on radio shows, podcasts, etc.
8. How to Stay In Touch
Atlas Corps emails monthly and quarterly newsletters and our thrice-annual “nominator list.” We are very interested in sending you as many updates as you would like to receive about our program. Many Public Diplomacy officers are subscribed to our quarterly newsletter and our nominator list. We are also connected to many locally-engaged staff / Foreign Service Nationals who work in the Public Affairs Section.
A. Subscribe to the Newsletter. Please email and indicated if you would like to be on the monthly newsletter, quarterly newsletter, and/or the nominator list. Please share emails and names of others, such as FSN/LES employees who should be added to the nominator list and if there is a generic email address like we can also add that address.
B. Follow Online. Please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
- Primary Facebook:
- Primary LinkedIn:
- Primary Twitter: @atlascorps
Additional Accounts
- Facebook Africa:
- Facebook Espanol:
- Facebook Arabic:
- Twitter Application: @atlascorpsapply
Additional Contact Info
- Web: and
- Phone: +1-202-263-4545
- Email: / /
9. Local Language
Atlas Corps has the ability to translate our materials into nearly every major language in the world. Below are some promotional pieces in foreign languages. Simply contact if you would like more.
A. Spanish
Líderes en el sector social/sin ánimo de lucro: Aplique para una experiencia pagada en el extranjero como Becario de Atlas Corps (Estados Unidos y Colombia)
Atlas Service Corps busca líderes en el sector social de todas partes del mundo para que apliquen a ser Becarios en Septiembre de 2013, en Estados Unidos. En este prestigioso programa, los gastos básicos de los Becarios (estipendio, seguro médico y capacitaciones) son pagados por Atlas Corps. Buscamos especialmente candidatos con dominio del español y que tengan experiencia en trabajo social. El programa de Becas de Atlas Corps tiene una duración de 12 meses y es ofrecido tres veces al año (Enero, Mayo y Septiembre). Los Becarios trabajan en una Organización Anfitriona en temas que complementen y enriquezcan su experiencia. Así mismo, serán acreedores de habilidades de liderazgo mientras comparten sus mejores prácticas, y las complementen con el conocimiento adquirido en el día a día con temas teóricos, los cuales se presentan en Atlas Corps Global Leadership Lab.
Para más detalles sobre los requerimientos de elegibilidad y el proceso de aplicación, por favor visitar:
Twitter: La ONG @atlascorps busca líderes sociales para fellowships profesionales en EEUU y América Latina (de 23 a 35)
B. Arabic
هي منحة تدريبية عالمية مقدمة للنخبة من العاملين في المجال الغير ربحي وخصوصا في المنظمات الخيرية والإنسانية.
هؤلاء النخبة يمثلون القادة العالميين الذين تسعى منظمة أطلس كور لاستقطابهم واكسابهم المهارات والخبرات اللازمة التي من شأنها صقل شخصياتهم وإعدادهم ليكونوا منارة لنظرائهم من الشباب المتحمس والناشط حول العالم حيث أنهم سيعودون إلى بلادهم حال انتهاء البرنامج واستثمار الخبرات والمهارات التي اكتسبوها لإحداث التغيير الإيجابي والسعي نحو تنمية بلدانهم ومجتمعاتهم والنهضة بها.
أطلس كور تحث العاملين في مجال المنظمات الخيرية والإنسانية للتقدم بطلب انتساب للبرنامج التدريبي والذي يقام في الولايات المتحدة الٱمريكية وأمريكا اللاتينية (كولومبيا) . أعضاء المنحة سوف يعملون كمتدربين في منظمات و هياَت غير حكومية مستضيفة مثل منظمات الأمم المتحدة ، أشوكا، اْكسفام والعديد غيرها من شركاء منظمة أطلس كور. بالإضافة إلى العمل في مجال خبرتهم، سيتمكن الأعضاء من تنمية مهاراتهم القيادية و الإدارية وتوسيع شبكات معارفهم حول العالم.
المدة التدريبية تتراوح ما بين ١٢ إلى ١٨شهراٌ . الأعضاء سوف يتلقون تدريبات ضمن برنامج أطلس كور الإداري والقيادي العالمي. بالإضافة إلى منحة مالية لتغطية المتطلبات والاحتياجات الرئيسية مثل (السكن ، الأكل والمواصلات وغيرها) وهناك أيضا تأمين صحي لكل الأعضاء.
باب التقديم مفتوح طوال العام لمختلف الدورات، لمعرفة التفاصيل حول مواعيد الدورات ،وطريقة التقديم، ،الرجاء زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني ٱدناه:
C. Japanese
TOMODACHI is Seeking Japanese Nonprofit Leaders for a Paid, Overseas Fellowship!
米日カウンシルのTOMODACHIイニシアチブとアトラス・コープ(Atlas Corps)は共同で米国でのフェローシップに応募する 日本の非営利組織のリーダーを募集しています。TOMODACHIイニシアティブの支援により、特に日本の若手リーダーに今年は関心が持たれています。アトラス・コープは12~18か月にわたり、非営利活動に携わるリーダーに、ベスト・プラクティスの研究、組織での能力の構築、世界のリーダーとの人脈作りを目的とした各種組織でのフェローシップの機会を提供します。 フェローは、アショカ(Ashoka)、ケア(CARE)、グラミン財団(the Grameen Foundation)、 ハビタット・フォー・ヒューマニティ(Habitat for Humanity)、国連児童基金(UNICEF)、国連財団(the UN Foundation)のための非営利/非政府組織で働きます。また、フェローはアトラス・コープのグローバル・リーダーシップ研究所にて非営利組織のマネジメントについて学ぶことになります。このフェローシップは食事、交通費、共同住宅といった基礎費用及び保険の手当てを含んでいます。日本人を対象とした応募締切(9月に受講開始)
は4月30日にまで延長されました。この他通年での応募を受け付けています。詳細は をご確認ください。