I will start sharing my photos as from this blog. I learned how to use my reflex camera while I was living in Kenya just by taking pictures at things that called my attention and trying different features, lights, lenses, etc. Before getting my camera as my graduation gift from my parents in 2013, I had no idea how to handle such artifact.

On this blog I will share some shots from DC.

The Metro. This has been almost my best friend in town. I use it to go to my office, the yoga studios, friends, restaurants, etc.

Besides being a great means of transport to go all over DC, I really find very interesting the patterns of the tunnels. I find it fascinating going in the last train and see the tunnels through the glass. It makes me feel that I’m inside a snake. Tip: try to do this while making a fast motion video, it will blow off your mind.

In addition, signing up for the Select Pass every month makes me save loads of money. FYI: is just $82 a month for unlimited trips! 

I don’t really know where does this train go, but I just liked the rust on the metals.

DC Lovely townhouses. Walking around Columbia Heights on a Saturday makes you feel that everything is nice and perfect despite all the madness that is going on in this world.

Trying different views of the Washington Monument. One of the first things I remember since I came to DC was Scott telling us the difference between the two types of stones used for this great piece of art. Apparently, one type was brought from the Southern States while the other from the Northern States joining them together a peaceful sign after the Civil War.

I just liked the situation. A random guy walking alone on a dark and mysterious evening.

Smithsonian Castle, a great piece of art in the heart of DC. I love the texture of the clouds and the darkness of the tree branches. It generates a nice contrast.

National Gallery

The Capitol, always stunning.

Long fence by placing the camera at an angle that increases the “Long”sensation.

Obelisc once again.

Car lights under the bridge while keeping a static the lights from the light post above. For this I left the shutter of my camera opened for a while.

Metro in motion. I like how I captured this guy although the train was already moving.

Patterns from the metro.