Senior Advisory Board

Senator Harris Wofford (until 2019)
Co-founder of Peace Corps, former Senator of Pennsylvania
Ramesh Bajpai
Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce, India
Raj Kumar
President, DEVEX
Mark V. Vlasic
Government-Nonprofit-Military Leader
Joshua J. Marcuse
Founder and Chairman, Young Professionals in Foreign Policy
Geri Critchley
International Education and Service Leader
Ed Freel
University of Delaware
Dr. Sam Potolicchio
Director of Global and Custom Education at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University
Dr. Isabel Londoño
Ed.d, Fundación Mujeres por Colombia /Educational Coaching
Dawn Rittenhouse
Director, Sustainable Development at DuPont
David Borstein
Author, "How to Change the World"
Bill Drayton
Founder, Ashoka