Dawn Le joins Atlas Corps with four years of experience in local community engagement and youth leadership development. With her strong interests in diplomacy, public service, and social innovation, she founded The Inkformant, a social enterprise that promotes her flagship project called Panels & Me. Panels & Me guides underserved youth to create their own comics stories. In addition to discovering their unique voices through comics, young people have the chance to serve their community, develop leadership skills, and engage with the public at large. Dawn designed the comics storytelling curriculum for Panels & Me and formed partnerships with artists, businesses, and local nonprofits to spearhead pilot projects in the United States, Vietnam, and Malaysia, where over 150 original student stories have been created so far. In 2020, she received a Fulbright Grant from the U.S. State Department to engage with students in rural Malaysia and foster relations between Malaysians and Americans. Prior to the grant, she led a team of bilingual staff, founded an immigrant youth-led council, and managed several programs to serve immigrants, refugees, and communities of color in the United States. Dawn holds a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology and a Minor in Nonprofit Administration at the University of Oregon. She is currently a Master of Science in Foreign Service candidate at Georgetown University, where she is concentrating in Global Politics & Security.