By Santiago Del Giudice
October 19, 2017
The following is a blog that I wrote for my Yoga Studio’s Newsletter:
“Last September I arrived to D.C. for a 12 months fellowship program. After more than 2 years living in Kenya, this was a huge change. Leaving behind such meaningful times of my life surrounded by beautiful people, and especially my yoga community at the Africa Yoga Project, was not easy to digest.
On November 16th, I took my first class at Yoga District and from that day until today I never paused my practice while in D.C. — 165 classes in 185 days is what the history of my MINDBODY account says.
But it’s less about the numbers and more about what have these classes opened in my life: a whole new world of physical and mental possibilities.
I also discovered a beautiful community of students, teachers, assistants and volunteers that make Yoga District so unique. I learned that the price of a yoga class says nothing about a studio. Is less about the money, and more about the quality of people that make it happen.
The reward is simple: a deeper understanding that your happiness depends just on you.”
Peace, Love, Magic