Art: Another Perspective
I recently discovered the new artist Tasha Alakoz on Instagram (@tashalakoz). Her work caught my attention and brought me the dose of creative inspiration that I needed.
Digital artist Tasha Alakoz from Latvia has a very different job on the net. She makes digital compositions of self portraits with many vibrant colors, contrasts and geometric prints. She does all the work, from producing the photos, to the final editing and is also her own model with the help of the camera timer.
Tasha Alakoz is a St. Petersburg/Moscow based mostly up to date creative person. Specializing in photography and new media, Alakoz’s use of daring style components and vivacious hues bring a pop-art visual language to a whole of images that’s clearly her own. delicate details and deliberate color intensity in her work bring the viewer’s focus to her fastidious attention to composition. Her work is both addicting in its optical attract and effective at conveyance attention to her artistic temperament.
She simply works with business brands vanishing them in her personal means of vibrant fashion selfies. She obviously brings the balance that positively needs plenty of power and creativeness.
Some of her work: