Bringing social work Staffs to NY Schools across five boroughs
It’s now around 6 months that I am engaged (Hybrid and in-person) with my host organization ‘Partnership with Children -PWC’. Being part of talent/HR team, I feel grateful and delighted for my two-cent contribution to bring social service providers to my organization and to be continued in the same spirits in the upcoming months.
PWC is committed to provide social, emotional and mental health support to children so they can succeed in their academic, personal and social spheres.
In the post pandemic world, the need of mental wellbeing is further increased and PWC is one of the oldest organizations in providing clinical support by adopting modern, effective and sustainable clinical approaches; i.e., trauma informed/equity approach, addressing toxic stress, school-based approach.
PWC has an extensive multi layered model to help children and families;
- School wide and class-room support; providing lessons to address emotional and behavioral challenges,
- Counselling: The social work staffs provide customized one to one and small group counselling services in vulnerable communities
- Family Outreach: PWC family advocates and preventive case planners visit families and children to support families facing wellness issues, bullying or depression
- Professional development: PWC consistently provide rigorous training to its staff to develop their capacity development and enhance their engagement and motivation level.
Diversity, Inclusion & Equity
One of the most beautiful things about PWC is that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is embedded in its core values and it is reflected in their day-to-day work, especially when they are dealing with children. The social services mainly focus to provide anti racism training and to heal traumatized children and/or vulnerable families.
Being part of HR/Talent team at PWC, we greatly value DEI, the people we bring to organizations are chosen who embraces diversity, enjoys working with children form different backgrounds and respects BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) who are mostly victimized of systemic racism and injustice.
More can be found about Partnership with Children at
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