With all the hype going around of President’s Trump trade wars with China, the European Union and his closest trade allies: Canada and Mexico; I thought it would be convenient to post something around that subject but this time from our lens, the Mexican lens.

Mexico was the United States’ 2nd largest goods export market as well as the largest supplier of imports in 2017. In the same line, 82.7% of Mexican exports are destined to the US and Canada members who which Mexico shares the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It is no surprise how Mexico is excessively dependant on its relationship with the U.S.A. making the country overexposed even way before the Trump era.

Mexico is finally realizing that it has been overexposed to the U.S.and therefore adopting a diversification trade policy more and more pointing to their fourth largest trading partner and 6.7 billion market for Mexico exports: China.