There is growing international consensus that African health systems need to improve, but no agreement on how to accomplish this.
Both health system leaders and international donors have focused their efforts to producing noteworthy health gains. But these gains are at risk if health systems do not develop the capacity to study and improve care processes.
We as African young leaders should work very hard to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the end of 2015. Some of the difficult issues facing Africa are obvious, such as a large burden of AIDS, stubborn poverty and political instability. But increasingly, public health experts are pointing to more understand factor in African’s health problems.
The international donors are more interesting on controlling specific diseases such as malaria, TB and AIDS through providing resources like drugs, training and international advisors. It well benefited and helpful ways to save millions of people in Africa, but these benefits are designed to be short term. We have to think how we can build our capacity to strength our systems for ever benefit.