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I recently attended ‘women entrepreneur conference 2018’ which is one of the cool conferences I have ever attended. I thought I would share some of the key takeaways from a session by Jennifer Dalton which might be useful for you to create the Linked In brand.
If you are not telepathic, you need to communicate and create your brand on Linked In. Understand where you are, be clear on what you are offering and give people the main message on why they want to follow you.
Here are few key takeaways from ‘Women Entrepreneurship Conference 2018- #wec18 ‘;
- Don’t just put the random picture on your Linked In. Get the high-resolution picture which is professional.
- Keep professional picture in your Linked in summary and even better if it shows you in action.
- When you are writing your profile summary, think about what are the things that you want people to know.
- Give people a highlight of what you are expert in. What words do you want to be searched for?
- Don’t put the plain default blue cover picture. Put something that is unique and is noticeable for your Linked In cover picture that displays who you are or what is your work.
- Be specific on why you are starting your business or why are you working in the sector.
- Put the video that features your work. You can hire the video maker. It isn’t always expensive.
- Get the marketing idea for your linked in profile if it is the business that you are promoting. Focus on themes for each month or post interesting and new contents every time.
- Do not only like the posts. Read it and share it and make a comment. Tag the people when you share the post. It will give them credit.
- If you want to highlight your speaker role, get it on your linked in. Share what are the topics that you are interested in.
- Ask people to write a recommendation for you. You can draft the recommendation text as people might be too busy.
- When you write something, put the call to action.
- Ignite a conversation with people as people will see only what’s been written or spoken.
- Recognize relevant people first before connecting to them. Engage people and let them know that you are a fan.