Once you organization is getting bigger and crossing borders, you probably start thinking about corporate media to boost internal communications and create relationships between employees in the field and HQ – even if they do not interact through working tasks. It helps to spread information, bring attention to the most significant events, and help people to feel pride in their work. I am going to share below some tips on what can be included into this corporate media.

  1. A letter from Director of NGO. Just as a letter from editor shares some personal stories related to the theme of the edition, a letter from Director helps employees to better understand corporate policies and see that CEO is as human being as they are. However, it’s important to avoid cliche and general phrases bringing no meaning.
  2. News from the field. Show HQ employees what’s going on in the field while highlighting the importance of field staff work. You can choose different formats: pictures with short description, bullet points, successful stories that would take a whole page. In my experience, people are genuinely interested in this type of content – after all, they want to see the outcome of their efforts.
  3. Interview with an employee. Choose a person and ask him a few questions about his work and personal interests. One of the most important components for successful teams is trust between people, and giving people a chance to better know each other might be a good way to increase trust. In addition, ask the person to share some memorable photos. 
  4. Major organization’s updates. Though big news travel fast, it is a good practice to share important information through formal corporate means of communications. Let people know about any recent or upcoming changes, new hires or promotions, as well as new programs or grants that an NGO has received.
  5. Updates from a particular program or project. If you have a program that is special for any reason, add a page dedicated to it with news updates and pictures. It may cause a little competition between different field offices/programs, but it’s not harmful.

If you have other ideas about what to add into the corporate media, please feel free to comment.