Along with technological revolution changing the social sector landscape, rise of conflict around the world has also changed the landscape of jobs and skills in development sector. Conflict has changed the need of development sector in developing and developed state. Poverty is concentrated in conflict region as compare to the other region.

To respond this chaotic environment, need assessment of local issues following tailored solution is key. Earlier emphasis on best practices has transformed into a dynamic and tailored system to address local issues. Context and dynamics of development sectors are changing simultaneously causing change in demand of skills set. In order to deal with dynamic environment, development sector practitioners have to analyze the community and develop the framework and roll out the practices the same way. They have to dance with system, contextualizing the solutions and framework to tailor the local issues and conflicts.

All the practitioners need to adopt the solution with the context after assessing the need and environment. There is high push from donor to localize the humanitarian response, developing the capacity of local people to respond humanitarian tragedy instantly.

For practitioners, critical thinking and advance communication skills to respond the context spontaneously with openness are need of time for local issues which increases the career outlook in global organizations.


* Synthesis of webinar conducted by Maryem Khan