The issues of freedom within religion spoils the true and spiritual image of a religion due to multiple but different interpretations of that’s teachings and scriptures. Each group emerged as a result of this try to preach and value that their own interpretation of religion is true and actually aligned with the original sources of religion. Backed with this ‘we-are-right’ ideology, they never ready to accept freedom within religion and offering space for dialogue despite of a number of commonalities among them. This constraintful divide on freedom within religion has been observed in almost every religion over the history, which gave birth of a number of sects and then sectarianism among them. For example, in case of Islam, this divide sparked immediately after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 632 AD over disagreement of Muslims about the successor, a political power issue (The Guardian).

As in this religio-sectarian division, the general public – followers – receive ‘filtered’ knowledge of their history, values and religion; their religiosity directives are based normally on religious leaders of his/ her community and ancestral religion or belief. In this way, the belief of a faith follower didn’t remain his/her ‘personal’ one, but vice versa. The four fundamental dimensions of religiosity, i.e. believing (to understand the truth), bonding (to bring inner peace), behaving (to help in self control), and belonging (to contribute in collective identity); are very personal to an individual which cannot be influenced without internal or spiritual will, and these dimensions are highly interconnected. We can say that the level of each dimension contributes to bring the level of an individual’s religiosity. (SAGE).  

I agree with Diane L. Moore that religions are internally diverse, dynamic, culturally embedded. If we look at Islam, we will find these three traits, i.e. existence of the different sects (diverse), practice of ijtehad and ijemah (dynamic), and culturally embedded (difference in ways to practice in each continent). But in the current age, these traits are posing challenges to contexts of international human rights and religious freedom; e.g. diverse sects are trying to impose their ideologies on each other, dynamic is not moving in certain issues like apostasy or blasphemy, and culturally embeddedness is least coping with modernism.

I have a research question, for further studies, to build understanding on the correlation between religious freedom and human rights, but with prime focus on the right of freedom of speech or expression and religious emotions. I agree that right of freedom within religion is a fundamental human right which helps to be true believer rather than a hypocrite, if disagree with something. It will also avoid the followers of a religion from violent race for heaven being closer to God by spiritual practice of his or her ‘own’ belief. Overall, this freedom within religion will also help to build moderate and peaceful image of a religion, and this would itself be preach for that religion without any biasness but more attractiveness. So, we can conclude that freedom within religion is such a human right which is beneficial for religious communities.