Hooray!! The holiday season is here. Wondering how to make your vacation epic and a pleasantry that would encapsulate itself in the memories deep into the eons? Welcome aboard!
Without the risk of you writing an extra check for these titbits that would smoothen your holiday breeze, I propose to take a minute of your time to prepare for this cruise.
Expectations could go through the roof, in fact, threaten to break the ozone and prick the sky. These euphoric imaginations that raise expectations must be managed. This is not the time to go to the moon! Let a holiday trip be simple: a holiday. Let the holidaymaker be you [who you are], let relishes be natural, the rendezvous simple, and cherished tastes not be out of the ordinary.
It’s Biblical: surprise can beat even the greatest. The biggest threat to your happiness while on vacation is you! Don’t surprise yourself! Match your budget and other personal nuances to make your holiday great. No less!
This is not the time to go flacid, placid and opaque. The name of the game for great holidaymaking is be as malleable as possible. If you asked me, any time, my answer to what matters in matters holiday is flexibility. Enjoy it.
It’s almost an inevitable ingredient of our lifestyle to have an insatiable love for the cellular pal. While proven to be a useful source of curative incubator of minable data that would lighten lives, turn black into white, entertain and do the unimaginable, among other things, that mobile phone is the greatest enemy on your holiday. Learn to turn it off.
Oooh….did you have enough gas for your car for the return trip? Are you too tipsy to run even a half of the first day on returning to the office, or you hadn’t planned for a return air ticket? Be sober, there is life after the holiday!
To wrap it all up, learn to be kind to yourself. Learn not to hit the bottle too hard, go easy on the speed pedal, avoid the height dives, plunges and headlong bravados [tethered to the rope or cut loose], we need you back. Wholesome!
Enjoy your upcoming holidays, folks!