Compassion heals. A phrase I thought that I understood when I first heard it. Till I later realized that I never really, completely did understand, until I started my spiritual journey in look out for the meaning of compassion and what it possibly unfolds. I’m writing this to invite you all to embrace the magic of compassion in your every day life.

Here are some helpful tips as a journey starter:

  • Connect. Connecting with who you are and the people you surround yourself is a process in itself. Take it slowly but surely. Approach it with an open heart.
  •  Receive. Sometimes we unconsciously & consciously build communication barriers as defense mechanism that is developed through our history of communications & life experiences. These barriers hinder us from being truly present & fully engaged. Let the barriers be cracks, and let the light fill in the cracks. One day the cracks will gradually fell apart & the light will enlighten up the whole space.
  • Breathe. Always remember to pause, reflect & breathe. Just breathe.