Since the 70’s to date, after the industrial revolution, the refining of oil and the development of the chemical industry in the world, we have seen the impact and the damage that we have caused to the environment. So there are many initiatives in which environmental impact has been made aware and calculated by different productive sectors, a series of terms associated with tools to collaborate with sustainable development have emerged, which is nothing more than making efficient use of non-renewable resources. nowadays, so that they can be assured of their use by future generations.
One of the strategies proposed is Cleaner Production. This term consists of the application of eco-efficient practices and technological innovations, minimizing production costs, optimizing processes and reducing eventual impacts on human beings and the environment. It is mainly of great help for large companies, or for those that seek to improve the competitiveness between companies but Cleaner Production can be applied to any process, product or service, and ranges from simple changes in operational procedures, to major changes, which imply the substitution of raw materials, inputs or production lines for more efficient ones.
In terms of processes, Cleaner Production includes the conservation of raw materials, water and energy, the reduction of toxic raw materials (toxicity and quantity), emissions and waste, which go to water, into the atmosphere and the environment. The advantages of the application of this environmental strategy are many, among them: it generates benefits for the productive sector; produces positive results for other stakeholders (neighboring communities); better environmental performance; it generates value for investors; reduces expenses associated with public administration; in addition, it is a factor of differentiation of the competition.
However, this cleaner production term, although it is more applicable to the production and service industries, can also be applied from our homes. The saving of electrical energy in the daytime hours, the saving of water, the recycling of domestic garbage, the consumption of eco-friendly products (with eco labels), and of organic products, are some of the “green actions” that we can execute from the comfort of our home, to collaborate with the environment.
Some other recommended actions are:
- Something as simple as turning off lights when you’re not using.
- Be efficient with cooking – if you’re going to use the oven, bake a few meals at a time to get the most out of having it on.
- Washing clothes at night: during the night the cost for water consumption is lower, as well as the cost of the electric power kilowatt. This allows to achieve a saving in energy consumption.
- Periodic maintenance: of the electrical and electronic equipment of the home, its energy efficiency and its use in certain hours will help to reduce the amount of the electricity bill.
- Use of energy-saving equipment (energy-saving showers, energy-saving lamps, TV and energy saving electronic devices).
- Recycling water in the kitchen: wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl of water instead of running the tap water. Collect the water that is used to wash fruits and vegetables and reuse it for watering the plants.
- Use of cloth covers to load the purchases, or biodegradable plastic covers.
- Green products: use of biodegradable soap and lines of cleaning products and personal hygiene with seal or eco-label.
- Reduction of light: reducing the light of TV screens, cell phones and computers during daylight hours, will allow a small energy saving.