It’s called astigmatism – no, it’s not a disease.

So all those years I was supposedly “frowning” (especially in high school and undergrad), it was just because my cornea deals with light differently – basically, light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus so I squint at the slightest hint of light.

It took 20 odd years before I could understand the condition and get help – I had always thought I had beautiful, shattered glass-like brown eyes and my sight was impeccable! Apparently, I was wrong (about the latter).

“I don’t need a pair of glasses,” I retorted, when the optometrist first suggested I’d need to wear glasses henceforth. But then she added that it would be coated with AR. “Just fix it,” I said, reluctantly accepting the solution (I mean, AR sounded cool).

Photo Credit: Jeremiah O. Agenyi​

You see, change is hard. But once I could relate with change, it became easier to accept.

It is only natural for most people to remain in their comfort zone. But for others, it takes longer, or even a lifetime, to figure out why they should change what they do, feel, or say about things in life and business. However, what’s important is not when they change but that they change. And the first step towards that is to acknowledge faults/weaknesses/vulnerabilities or whatever it is, and understand that though it’s not easy, it is possible to change for the better – although the onus is on “change agents” to sell the idea of possibility, but that’s a story for another day.

One school of thought says, when we take cognizance of how long it took for us to change, we understand why it might take longer for us to change people…I guess that’s not debatable. So i’ll stop here before I digress.

Bottom line: We get better when we understand. We open up. We move forward. Move forward on that issue, today!

#Hardbutpossible #Initforlife