Dear Atlas Corps Community,
How are you? The question seems so profound these days. I hope you and your family are safe during these turbulent times. I know your inbox, and perhaps your anxiety, is overflowing. Across the world, we are going through one of the most difficult months in modern history. As a friend of Atlas Corps, I wanted to send a quick note with some updates on our Fellows, our organization, and invite you to get more engaged with our community that needs your support.
Fellow Updates – Our Atlas Corps Community is strong, resilient, and united now more than ever. We sent home some Fellows who were about to end their fellowships before borders closed. We are in constant communication with our 70+ Fellows in active service in the U.S. Our Fellows are worried, however, they are adapting. Our Alumni have sprung into action and are using maker spaces in Tunisia to print surgical shields and leading global health communication campaigns in their countries. We invite you to read how our Alumni are facing the crisis on the Atlas Corps blog.
Innovation in Action – As the world continues to adapt, Atlas Corps is also evolving. We are excited, even amidst so much uncertainty, about some innovations we are launching, including a blended fellowship that combines four months of virtual service with ten months of service in the United State; and a virtual learning network, an online Atlas Corps community that brings the professional and networking strengths of our model to emerging social impact leaders across the world. We look forward to sharing more updates as these innovations develop – stay tuned!
Community-Building Opportunities – Now is the time to unite. We invite you to support our community in three ways that you can do from anywhere!
1. Apply (or encourage others to apply) – Yes! We are still open for business and are seeking U.S. Host Organizations who want diverse, talented leaders to join their teams and inspiring candidates to apply. We want organizations and individuals to start planning now for after this pandemic, how the world will be different and how Atlas Corps can support the journey for great social impact. Learn more at for candidates and for Host Organizations.
2. Volunteer – You can be a virtual volunteer and help us review applications and support our current Fellows. Learn more at
3. Donate – We anticipate that we will have 11 Fellows grounded in the U.S. over the next two months because of travel restrictions and closed borders. They will have unanticipated expenses. Will you help us support them? 100% of funds raised will support Fellows. Act now at
I know that there is much uncertainty in the world. I feel it too. I am also certain that now, more than ever, we need trained, talented, and networked social impact leaders. We are in the midst of a global transition and Atlas Corps Fellows will play a major role in repairing and rebuilding that new world. For nearly 15 years, we’ve been building this community for exactly these difficult times. We must stay strong now.
Join me on Thursday, April 9, 11 AM EDT for a Facebook Live as a share additional details and some exciting updates. Learn more at #AtlasCorpsResponds: CEO Update.
Thank you for being part of the Atlas Corps Community! #AtlasCorpsRepresent #AtlasCorpsAwesome
Be well,

P.S. As I mentioned, we need to raise $45,000 in the next 60 days to support the Fellows who are grounded in the U.S., to ensure their safety, health and well-being. Will you make an immediate gift to our Fellow Support Fund today? 100% of your gift will support our Fellows in the United States.