I will start my first blog with a message from Mother Teresa, known in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Mother Teresa was Albanian.
“You can do what I cannot do.
I can do what you cannot do.
Together we can do great things.”
Dear Friends, it looks that the time and days fly really fast and I want to share bit of my Experience as a fellow of Atlas Corps – Class 26.
My last moth before arriving in Washington DC, it was quite busy I was in some work delegations abroad, to be honest I had really great trip with allot of official meetings and of course big duty in representing my country and my work in foreign relations. After traveling thought Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Check Republic, Montenegro and Kosovo where I did more than 2900 KM by car I started again my new trip for my fellowship program to Washington DC, it was not easy to let the family back and the work where i was the position of Mayor’s Senior Adviser at Municipality of Klos in Albania.
So, the time flies and before starting this program I meet in Tirana two amazing persons Dorena Dyrmishi and Sara Çapaliku where we talked about the way how we will pass together a full one year fellowship program in Washington DC, we had a coffee and after some days we started the flight to Washington DC in Airport we meet even another great friend of this Year Fellowship program Ingrid Xhafa.
We arrived in DC with a great weather, we had a walk later in the amazing Washington DC areas and thinking for our new fellowship program, first week of my fellowship was not a good start because of the weather, food and different time zones. After my first week, I meet amazing fellows form different parts of the world, they are really friendly and with great vision about their future and I am really honored to meet each of them and of course collaborate with them in the future. After some weeks, I started serving at the OpenGov HUB organization, I will keep just short because if I will start speaking for this BIG, AMAIZIG Organization OpenGov Hub I will fill a big Book with great experiences and great work team that they are doing.
Some Information about my GREAT Host Organization:
The OpenGov Hub was established in late 2012 with Global Integrity and Development Gateway as co-founders. There are two global affiliate OpenGov Hubs- the first in Kathmandu, Nepal and the other in Monrovia, Liberia.
Currently, the 20,000-square foot Hub is the physical home of 40 organizations promoting these open gonvernment (“OpenGov”) reforms throught technology, research, media, advocacy. The OpenGov Hub’s mission in twofold: To provide a physical home to OpenGov Organizations, sharing and helping them be more efficient, and to be the center for collaboration, learning, and innovation on OpenGov issues that helps members be more effective and have great impact together.
As a community, we collectively work toward making governments and public policy more efficient, transparent, accountable, and participatory across the globe.
The OpenGov hub regularly organize and hosts a wide variety of public activities and events around these issues to promote collaboration and build community. We also organize activities just for members to help them innovate, learn from and with each other, develop new skills, gain new knowledge, and work together to have greater impacts.
For more information, you can have a look at our Web Page: www.opengovhub.org
A Big THANK YOU goes to the Atlas Corps Team for giving me this opportunity to serving in this amazing Organization.
My Five Fun Facts:
Name: Edison FRANGU
Hometown: Tirana, Albania born in Lis-Mat, Albania
Role at Organization: Atlas Corps Fellow- Class 26, Serving @ OpenGov Hub
Social Issue/Interest Area: Youth Development, Civic Engagement/Participation/Politics, Education, Public Health
Fun fact: When I was traveling in a work trip near my chair In airplane was the new Swiss Ambassador accredited in Albania.
Today it is the Austrian National Day!
Last Night I was so honored to be invited from the Austrian Ambassador in U.S.A and celebrate the Austrian National Day!
Congratulations on the National Day!