(Summer) nostalgia
May 14, 2014 2:44 am Comments Off on (Summer) nostalgiaIf a picture is worth a thousand words, then the picture below has soo many meanings for me:
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the picture below has soo many meanings for me:
It’s 15 months into my fellowship now and if there is anything I dislike about living in this country then...
It’s been a little more over a year now since I’ve been living in DC. I recently had a conversation...
De cateva zile, aud peste tot cuvinte precum “schimbare”, “inovare”, “activism”, “global” etc. Asta pentru ca particip la un eveniment...
Inca nu pot sa imi dau seama daca mi-a placut sau nu la Social Good Summit anul acesta. De la...
Prima zi la Social Good Summit s-a incheiat cum nu se putea mai bine, pentru mine. Mai précis, cu o...