Author Archives for Mahwish Javaid

About Mahwish Javaid

Author is Social Impact Innovation Officer and an Atlas Corps Fellow at Concern Worldwide US. She has eight years of experience in nonprofit sector, and earned a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Reproductive Physiology from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. She joined UN Women in March 2014 under the Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) program in Sindh. Along partners, she helped to improve livelihoods of 2500 landless peasant women and 2000 informal women workers by enhancing access to social security services, food security, land tenancy agreements, and income generating opportunities.

Create Partnerships and Understand Technology; Global Mantra of Peace Advocates

August 15, 2016 4:52 pm Published by Comments Off on Create Partnerships and Understand Technology; Global Mantra of Peace Advocates

It was the moment when I realized that I am actually part of a generation who has witnessed huge desktops transforming into apple watch and air-light laptops, dial up internet to 4G, landlines into smartphones and expansive international audio only calls to free facetime and viber in period of last 15 years. And I am also a generation who witnessed heroic story telling of WWII and “never war again” sentiments melt into global war on terrorism, race for nuclear power and ocean of refugees.

Atlas Corps; Four months and Four resolutions

January 19, 2016 2:23 pm Published by Comments Off on Atlas Corps; Four months and Four resolutions

During first few weeks of being Atlas Corps fellow, I felt very quiet, observant and like some one who stands in lane of recreational ride for very first time and couldn’t decide if s/he is ready for this emotional experience or not… till finally steps in the ride and puts safety belt on. Now, four months in to it and I got to say that this ride is not only ALL safe but is worth of every minute.